37 Weeks: Where in the world did this week go? It literally flew by! Had a couple of appointments - 1 NST and 1 dilation check (2cm yay!).
38 Weeks: This is the final countdown! If I don't go into labor this week/weekend on my own, then I'll be induced next week on my mom's birthday!!
Had my weekly NST, everything looks good. I'm at 2.5 cm and the doctor did a very "aggressive" exam in hopes of possibly encouraging labor to start naturally. We will see! Either way, she will be here next week!! Eeeeeek!
39 Weeks: Induction Day!!! Well, she didn't come on her own, so time for the induction! It went great! I was able to get an epidural early, and I must say it was absolutely glorious lol! Got to the hospital at 6:30am, started the pitocin around 8am, epidural around 9am, the doctor came to break my water by 9:30am, and little miss Emily Noel was born at 12:15pm! Super quick and amazing delivery! Thank you God!
The night before induction day - 39 weeks :)

And here she is! Emily Noel, 7lbs, 8oz :)

Hanging with the hubs after Emily was born :)

And one of my favorite pictures, the kids meeting their baby sister :)

Thank you for following me on my pregnancy journey!! It's been an amazing experience :)
The night before induction day - 39 weeks :)

And here she is! Emily Noel, 7lbs, 8oz :)

Hanging with the hubs after Emily was born :)

And one of my favorite pictures, the kids meeting their baby sister :)

Thank you for following me on my pregnancy journey!! It's been an amazing experience :)
~ Jessica